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Easter Monday 2021

Easter Monday 2021

My essay for Easter this year focuses more on the words of the late Princess Grace Kelly (The Greatest Mystery) than on my own. I therefore decided to pen a brief commentary on my Easter of this year. Easter Sunday was, for me, a quiet and contemplative day, for many reasons. I am still in the midst of making a home out of my newly built house. I am attempting, as best I can, to put the past year behind me. And it has been quite a year. Last year, of course, the nation of America was besieged by viciously overblown fear-mongerings of a killer virus brought to us courtesy of China. In California, the Governor predicted that at least 5 million people would die from the Wuhan virus. I now fully understand, as do millions of other Americans, the whyfors of the horrendously venal hoaxes perpetrated upon We, the People, as well as upon countless others living in democratic nations. Those countries seemed to have suddenly morphed into tin-pot dictatorships. The awful truth of that realization is that our civil liberties have been under assault for a long time, decades, in fact. It took the malevolent machinations of contemptibly imperfect men and women for the lights to go on in the minds of millions of liberty-loving and God-fearing individuals. Once that light went on, it will not be turned off.

Contentment, happiness, calm, stability, an absence of adequate questioning of rules and regulations — all of those placid conditions had been used against the citizenry so that the vile and corrupt “ruling” class could engage in their routine ripoffs of We the People. Those of us who had cast a leery eye at the chronic “do-gooders” of the political machines were viewed with ever more leery eyes. You cannot tell someone a truth that he cannot understand. And once he fully understands it, you need not say anything. This predicament always works to the advantage of the charlatan, and against the better interests of the unknowing. The knowing, we must wait until the moment of truth arrives to free so many from their prisons of denial. Belief is not a matter of words; it’s a matter of the heart knowing what the mind cannot comprehend. Blaise Pascal wrote of this verity in the 17th century. He composed from his heart, just as much as from his mind, but I think he did not place a very thick wall between the two spheres of apprehension. This Easter Monday, I am thankful for the lessons of my girlhood that I’ve not forgotten or neglected. Those lessons schooled me in the ways of the Lord, in the ways of the wicked, and in the ways of the doubtful. The doubtful among us, those Doubting Thomases, are the target-rich environment for the professional manipulators: the bureaucrats, the technocrats, the commentariat, and the politicians. Doubt is the fabricated crisis of our time, a fomented crisis, to be sure, but a crisis nonetheless. Never before has such a profit-fat crisis called upon so many pandering toadies to distort and mis-represent the truth.

Doubt used to be a much more uncommon sensation. Presently, doubt is the province of too many people in this great nation, and in too many other regions of this world. Doubt has become the purposeful device of deceit by the parasitic politician to suppress, depress, and oppress some of the most beautiful creations on God’s earth — men, women, and children — who traditionally looked to leaders for guidance and, perchance, some wisdom. The commoners find instead, in these egregious faux-eminences. sloth, gluttony, greed, rank hypocrisy, selfishness and an odious apathy toward others in dire circumstances. That model of “leader” is not a leader, and, as a model, he or she represents only the very worst in humanity. A man chained to mammon as his god, or a woman shackled to self-worship, they are the inverse of the glory of mankind, created in the image of the Ineffable. Upon this Easter Monday, I enact a sacred duty to regard those tricksters and deceivers as too far beneath me to be worthy of any of my attention or consideration. I am but the lowly citizen of a nation, a blessed country that seeks to rise above its current abject state. As such, I have a solemn calling, not merely as an American, but even more as a Christian — to never forget the sins and the crimes committed by those pompous frauds against us, the good and honest citizens of the United States. I’ve turned the cheek too many times toward the fowler, lest I become holier-than-thou. Jesus forcefully chasing the money-lenders out of the temple is my role model on this day, and every day to come. Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s. — Luke 20:25

© 2024 by Debra Milligan

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