The Radio Room
The Radio Room offers a collection of inspirational speeches and compelling images to complement Volume One of THE DAWN. This presentation is divided into four parts:
Part One surveys the Nazi Threat in the years before the outbreak of war in Europe, the Fall of France, and the Battle of Britain.
Part Two features General de Gaulle calling upon the French people to kindle the flame of resistance. He, the General, in London requests all patriots to join him in the fight to free France.
Part Three is comprised of more speeches by Winston Churchill. He first addresses the French in the name of freedom and aligns himself with their fight for liberty in the face of the occupation. Churchill also exhorts the British to never give up; the enemy will one day be defeated.
Part Four presents the unparalleled, powerful address by President Franklin Roosevelt to the U.S. Congress. He methodically and with great ire makes the case for a declaration of war against Japan in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor.