2 July 2020
Yesterday, I was working on my laptop, quite happily I might add, working on the translation of Chapter 74 of THE DAWN into L’AUBE. Dear Husband walked by just as I closed my file and the Desktop Wallpaper emerged. He said: “It looks like the guy in the middle is wearing a mask.”
Horrors! I immediately set the old geezer free of his restricted-breathing-device. He looked much more American that way.
This morning, I decided to celebrate the 4th birthday of Chance the Beagle with some cake that neither he nor anyone else here will eat — with a lovely wallpaper image of a Freedom Cake. Dear Daughter and I did create a similar work of dessert art many years ago, in the early 2000s. You have to be careful with the strawberries, though, because they bleed red into the white frosting. Symbolic, that one, of how liberty is defended. Whether it is a Poster of Petain, plastered throughout Vichy France, or the Mask of Mind Control foisted on Americans, there is always a way to applaud the fight for liberty and justice. I say: Celebrate freedom. Venture forth — unmasked on the 4th! Let the petty tyrants choke on their cake of hypocrisy!