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THE COUNT Turns the Page

18 October 2024

On 18 June 2018, I copied down the following words into my Red Book of Quotations from French Literature:


p. 28  Ch. VII, Monsieur Noirtier (père de Villefort)


Je le croyais assez philosophe pour comprendre qu’il n’y a pas de meurtre en politique.  En politique, il n’y a pas d’hommes, mais des idées :  pas de sentiments, mais des intérêts ; en politique, on ne tue pas un homme :  on supprime un obstacle, voilà tout.


Here’s the English translation of these words written by Alexandre Dumas in Le Comte de Monte-Cristo:


I thought he was enough of a philosopher to understand that there's no such thing as murder in politics. In politics, there are no men, only ideas: no feelings, only interests; in politics, you don't kill a man: you remove an obstacle, that's all.


In December of 2019, I used this chilling and prescient piece of classic French literature to compose an essay for my website.  I then destroyed the essay, the digital and written versions.  I felt too much of an ominous sense about the fate of Donald J. Trump.  An inkling, however, of this unsettling premonition would have sufficed for me to have thrown away any verbiage concerning the evils within my nation.

I was not, and am not, alone in my fears.


Anyone with half a heart and a conscience, around the world, comprehends now what I’d perceived then of the dark designs of the Swamp, the Deep State, the Globalists, the RINOS, the Propaganda Media, and assorted louts and bad actors on this sordid stage of regicide-wish-fulfillment.


You didn’t have to be a clairvoyant writer; or a person of Scots ancestry, with second sight; or even a worried patriot, to have felt constant concern for the life and well-being of this American hero, of his beloved wife, of his children of his relatives, of his friends, and of the brave Americans who are saving America from the villains and traitors that surround us.


I speak somewhat from experience, a very limited experience. That brush with crudeness pales in comparison to the violence and trampling of civil rights that came to other patriots in our nation.  Dear Husband says that I’ve been pre-MAGA, but this one instance of bitter bille ejected at me made me even more a part of the MAGA Movement.

During the summer of 2022, I was treated like a sack of manure, dumped off at my doorstep, during a time of grave personal crisis, by someone who deemed me unfit for decency, because my cell-phone ring tone had sounded forth the voice of Donald J. Trump, as impersonated by Captain Deplorable, Sean Farash.


“Oh, he calls me from time to time,” I joked.


The look of malevolent horror on the smug face of this male punk told me I’d just encountered TDS in the flesh.


I leaned heavy on the Lord to channel my hostile vibrations away from justified retaliation.  I then wrote the 2 Westerns that had long been on the prod.  They got the proper push!


And I still get a kick out of remembering No Horsey Sauce!


During the past 8 years, any person of virtue needed to have heard, read, and observed only a fraction of the tsunami of fetid lies and vicious hatred spewed at the 45th President of the United States, and at his loved ones, to understand:

They Want Him Eliminated from Earth.  They’ll Destroy Him Any Way They Can.


They succeeded in destroying themselves. They succeeded in ennobling a man on a divine mission, and in solidifying the support of patriots for this man and for his mission.


Looking back . . . I try not to look back.


I need to look forward, and to forget.  Not to block out the awareness of the results and consequences of the treachery and the evil intentions of men and women within my country, and outside of my country, but to focus on the Prize.


The Prize is the legal and just election of Donald J. Trump, for a third time, to the office of President of the United States.


Hell is predicted to break loose during yet another historic electoral event.


Hasn’t Hell been breaking loose throughout America since Donald J. Trump took that historic escalator ride?

How much more hell are the Enemy Within gonna unleash upon We the American People?

We’ve made it through the hell that the Enemy Within has unleashed on us, covertly, for decades; and, overtly, since 2016.  Do those Nazis plan to launch a Blitzkreig for the November Surprise?


Richard Nixon is not a president whom I would easily quote for purity of thought, or virtue, or profound truth.  He borrowed these thoughts from the Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus; but Tricky Dick knew, from experience, whereof he spoke when he said;


Always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don’t win, unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.

© 2024 by Debra Milligan

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